Will Smith is continuing to live his best life for all of us to witness as he’s become the latest A-list celebrity to join the Instagram social media platform.

What many don’t know is that Will Smith has been a part of the online social community for quite some time using his blog to speak on his life, encourage his followers, and provide clues to the projects he currently has in the works. Now that the multitalented entertainer is on Instagram, he’s used the platform to provide the masses with words of wisdom, share moments with his family, and provide us with some much-needed laughs to get us throughout the week.

The IG clip features the Philadelphia-born actor/rapper dancing salsa in unison with singer/actor Marc Anthony off the coast of Miami on what appears to be a pretty roomy yacht. As you can see, Will Smith’s rapid salsa clap appears to be on ten and his two-step in sync with the music.


peep the clip below:

#Will Smith gets salsa lessons from #MarcAnthony

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