Street Fighter is getting its own television series from the creative group behind Machinima’s live-action web series Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist.
The story will be based on the ever-popular Street Fighter II: The World Warrior story from 1991 where M. Bison and his criminal organization Shadaloo are under fire by protagonists Ryu, Ken, Guile, and Chun-Li. Although video game adaptations very rarely come together well, Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist garnered over 16 million views during its initial release in 2014 and produced 12 episodes, which were well-received by gamers. The show is being helmed by Entertainment One, and its President/CEO spoke about the news:
“Street Fighter is a global tour de force franchise, having garnered immense worldwide commercial success and built a vast devoted fanbase that has only grown through its 30 year legacy. We are thrilled to be teaming up with Joey, Jacqueline and Mark, who are already so deeply connected to this brand, to bring this adored story to television audiences everywhere. A particular strength of Street Fighter is the wide range of ethnically diverse characters and powerful women featured in the game. It will allow us to build an inclusive and engaging TV universe.”