Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, defended police officers and spoke about ending inequality in the country as protests continue across the country.
In a tweet, Kiyosaki wrote:
How to end inequality. Free college degress . No test required. Free mansions. Free Ferrari’s. Free healthcare. All police fired. Fed prints trillions so shoppers can shop till they drop. Free food.End taxes. Shut Washington down. The Elites dream of utopia. My idea of Hell.
— therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) June 13, 2020
I do not know what to say. If I did know what to say I’d be afraid to say it. First Corona, then Gates vaccines, Fauci shuts businesses down, George Floyd BLM, mass looting, Antifa, and defund police. MOB rule reigns. Sick. What happened to our freedom of speech and our humanity?
— therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) June 10, 2020
ALL COINS HAVE 3-SIDES: heads, tails, and the EDGE. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE stand on the EDGE and see both sides. On the left is George Floyd & BLM. On the right is Candace Owens. It is interesting listening to both sides. I wish George Floyd was alive so he could speak for himself.
— therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) June 11, 2020