President Barack Obama spent eight years in the White House alongside his partner, Vice President Joe Biden. Now that the two men have left office, their leadership and insight are no longer necessary. Still, both men continue to offer their insightful perspectives on the current political climate. In an interview with CNN, Biden candidly speaks about what he would do if he was Donald Trump’s lawyer.

This is the first president, I’ve been here for eight presidents, this is the first president to make a full-throated, unvarnished attack on the entirety of the FBI,” says Biden. He continues on to state, “If I were the president’s lawyer I would probably tell him not to sit down with a special counsel.” The reasoning behind his statement is that if the president were to sit down with the special counsel, he could be subpoenaed and put in front of a grand jury without a lawyer.


When asked if he believes that Trump has little control over his ability to tell the truth, Biden responds, “I just marvel at some of the things he says and does.” He goes on to speak about Trump’s disparaging comments regarding Democrats who refused to stand and applaud him during the State of the Union. Trump called those members of the audience un-American and treasonous. The reporter tells Biden that Republicans defended the comments, calling them “tongue in cheek,” and a “joke.”

Biden cooly responds, “Oh let me tell you, he’s a joke.”