Eddie Murphy provided the comedy world with two iconic stand-up specials, Raw and Delirious. Both specials included some material that was raunchy and sometimes homophobic which the comedian/actor says is something he regrets today.

In an interview with The New York Times, Murphy expressed that he felt the stand-ups were a “bit much,” and that “I was a young guy processing a broken heart, you know, kind of an a**hole.”

Murphy made it clear that he won’t rehash any of those old bits when he makes his return to stand-up. He has already apologized for the material from both specials in the past but with the recent backlash Dave Chappelle received for his jokes about the LGBTQ community, Murphy seems to be erring on the side of caution.

He also mentioned that he won’t be bringing back the leather suits from those specials either, “Nah, man, you can’t wear a leather suit at 58.”