Fox News correspondent and “The Geraldo Show” author Geraldo Rivera joins Bill to discuss his indefatigable support of President Trump.

“I want to defend Laura Ingraham,” Maher said, decrying the ad boycott against Fox News’ “deliberately terrible person” after she tweet-slammed Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg. “Really? Is that American?”

But the real heat was earlier, when Rivera appeared as the episode’s top of the show, one-on-one interview guest (and later joined the panel on the YouTube-only Overtime segment), with Maher kicking off their chat with a sleight-of-hand compliment.

“I remember you from Willowbrook,” he said, referring to Rivera’s groundbreaking 1972 reporting that exposed the deplorable conditions of New York’s Willowbrook State School for the developmentally disabled. “I mean, you were one of the original crusading reporters, and you cared very much about your legacy as a journalist. So I do have to ask, why Fox News?”


Rivera challenged Maher on what he said was a “stereotype” of Fox News. “I’m pro-choice, I’m pro-immigration reform, I’m pro-gun control and I’m on Fox News. It’s easy because Sean Hannity is such a big personality to say he represents the sum total of Fox.


peep the interview below: