Akon may not be in the limelight in regards to the music industry, but he has devoted a lot of his time to a personal project and initiative of his known as Akon Lighting Africa.
The program provided reliable solar power energy and electricity in fifteen countries served 480 communities throughout Africa, provided electricity for millions of people, and has created thousands of indirect jobs throughout the resourceful continent. And from the looks of things, this initiative won’t be stopping anytime soon as Akon and his business partners plan to take their talents to other parts of the globe in hopes to provide millions of other people with the gift of solar-powered resources and economic opportunity as well.
Recently, the singer turned businessman was stopped by the TMZ cameras prior to hopping on a flight and was asked if he had any tips for our current Head of State in regards to the power structure that was severely damaged in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria several months ago. This is what Akon had to say in response, “We actually presented a program for Puerto Rico and we got rejected. We had a solution for Puerto Rico but, we couldn’t… We would have had power back up in less than 30 days. And they rejected us.”
Akon also added, “It’s politics, propaganda, and special interest, they didn’t care about the people.” The Senegal-born artist and philanthropist was also asked about Donald Trump’s ‘sh*thole’ comments in regards to Haiti and other African nations and brushed off the comments as the more mature party of the situation. Akon is the perfect example of what hip-hop has the ability to do in regards to affecting change on a global level and that’s something that we all should be able to rally around and support in all ways possible. Much respect to Akon and the founders of Akon Lighting Africa for their service to the world.